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Majin Buu Saga
Episodes 200-291
Villains in this saga
Majin Vegeta

"It's been seven years since the Cell fight. The Earth has been saved by the Son father and son combination from the evil hand of Cell. Once again, people are able to live in peace. But humans are such that as soon as one gets used to peace, the number of fools increases."
The Majin Buu Saga Table of Contents
200. Seven Years Since that Event! From Today, I'm a High School Student
Gohan's first day of school starts with his foiling a bank robbery. He makes it to school and meets a few people who ask him all sorts of questions, before everyone retires outside for a baseball game. Gohan's strength creeps out a bit during the game, leaving everyone else in awe.
201. The Debut of the Champion and Lover of Justice, the Great Saiyaman
Gohan asks Bulma for a disguise that would work a bit better than simply turning Super Saiya-jin. The result is a very odd get-up, and Gohan decides that while wearing that, he'll be known as the Great Saiyaman. He stops a few criminals and his fame begins to spread. When Videl gets called out of class to go help stop some terrorists, Gohan "has to go to the bathroom" and the Great Saiyaman ends up joining her.
202. Gohan's Mixed Up First Date!?
Angela, a girl in Gohan's class, blackmails him. She says that if he doesn't go on a date with her, she'll tell everyone his secret. Fearing that she'll reveal that he is the Great Saiyaman, Gohan agrees and goes with her. On the date, they come across a burning building. Gohan transforms into the Great Saiyaman to help Videl fight the fire. Later, Videl talks to Gohan outside the building (unaware that he's the Great Saiyaman) and Angela finds them. She yells at Gohan and decides to tell Videl his secret - that he wears teddy bear underwear. Needless to say, Gohan is relieved.
203. Gohan, You Must Move Quickly! Save Videl!!
On his way to school, the Great Saiyaman meets Videl. After trying to get away from her, the Great Saiyaman finally succeeds, but he's late for school. When Videl arrives, Sharpener relays this information, and Videl begins to suspect that Gohan is the Great Saiyaman. When a band of terrorists show up, Videl leaves Gohan to fight them, suspecting that he is the Great Saiyaman and will easily defeat them. However, when Gohan notices that Videl is there, he's distracted, and a gang member hits him hard in the face, throwing him back. Satisfied that he is NOT the Great Saiyaman, Videl intervenes. Later, the same group of terrorists takes the Mayor of Satan City hostage. Videl fights the leader, who says he will kill the Mayor if Mr. Satan doesn't show up, and fearing for Videl's safety, Gohan cuts class to go to the fight as the Great Saiyaman. Together, Videl and the Great Saiyaman defeat the terrorists and save the Mayor. Upon hearing of Gohan's escape from school later that day, Videl's suspicions are renewed.
204. A Great Theft!! And the Culprit is the Great Saiyaman!?
After finding that circus in the city has kidnapped a baby monster from near the Son home, Gohan sets out as the Great Saiyaman to rescue the monster. When Musuka, the owner of the circus, refuses to let Chibi, the monster, go, the Great Saiyaman takes him forcefully. Believing the Great Saiyaman to be a thief, the police give chase, and soon the Great Saiyaman is forced to fight Videl. The battle is a draw due to the Great Saiyaman's desire not to fight Videl, and when Chibi's parents arrive to rescue their baby and tear through any city in their way, Videl realizes that the Great Saiyaman had been right. While trying to calm the monsters, the Great Saiyaman accidentally lets slip his true identity - luckily, the only one who heard was Videl. Later, she blackmails Son Gohan, forcing him to participate in the upcoming Tenkaichi Budokai.
205. Goku Resurrected as Well!? He's Coming to the Tenkaichi Budokai!!
After being forced to enter the Tenkaichi Budokai by Videl, Son Gohan pays Bulma a visit. He needs to modify his Great Saiyaman costume, because protective equipment (like his helmet) aren't allowed. While at the Capsule Corporation HQ, Gohan, Bulma, and Vegeta receive a message from Son Goku (sent via Kaiousama's telepathic abilities) that his one day allowed back on Earth is going to be spent at the Tenkaichi Budokai. With his costume modified, Son Gohan departs to tell everyone the news, and surprisingly, Chichi is more than willing to grant Gohan the time off school he needs to train.
206. Gohan is Surprised Too! Goten's Explosive Power
Gohan and Goten go out to train. While Gohan trains, though, Goten mostly just plays around. He finally gets to be too much and Gohan gets angry. He tells Goten to sit still and be quiet, but after a while, he decides to ask Goten to train with him. He quickly realizes that Goten is incredibly strong and is shocked when Goten turns Super Saiya-jin. They decide to spar, but not long into their match, Gohan is surprised once again when he finds that Goten doesn't know how to fly. Just as Gohan agrees to teach Goten how to fly, Videl shows up for her own flying lesson.
207. Ah! I Flew!! Videl Learns How to Fly
After showing up for her lesson, Videl reveals that she doesn't know what ki is. Gohan sends Goten off to play while he teaches Videl about ki and how to control it. She tries once to concentrate her ki, but fails. After a lunch break, they try again, and Videl succeeds in bringing forth her ki. Meanwhile, in the afterlife, Goku trains for the Tenkaichi Budokai under 40 tons of weights, shocking the Southern Kaiou. Back at Mt. Paozu, by the end of the day, Videl manages to levitate (and Goten goes...just a bit further). As she leaves, Gohan inadvertantly makes her really angry by suggesting that she cut her hair for the tournament. Vegeta trains at Capsule Corporation and is stunned to see Trunks turn Super Saiya-jin. They spar briefly, but it's obvious Trunks is no match for Vegeta. And the next day, Videl shows up at the Son home with her hair cut, completely confusing Gohan...
208. Welcome Back, Goku! The Whole Z Team is Gathered!!
Videl continues her training with Son Gohan. After ten days, she's gotten fairly good at flying, and she finally ends her lessons so that she can train for the Tenkaichi Budokai. The Z Senshi all do the same, and finally the day arrives. They arrive on the island together, for the most part (except Piccolo, who came alone and met them there), and finally, Son Goku arrives. After their seventh year reunion, Goku and the others go find the booth and sign up for the Budokai. Trunks and Goten are disappointed to learn that they'll have to compete in the youth division, and the fighters part ways with the spectators to go get ready for the tournament.
209. You're in Danger, Great Saiyaman - Guard Yourself Against Camera Attacks!?
Videl and Gohan meet up at the Tenkaichi Budokai while Sharpener has set out to impress Videl. When he sees she's in the company of the Great Saiyaman and doesn't care about him, his new goal becomes to unmask the Great Saiyaman. In order to keep people from finding out who the Great Saiyaman is if his disguise should accidentally come off, Piccolo takes the liberty of destroying every camera present. Meanwhile, the eliminations take place to decide which sixteen fighters will be competing in the tournament itself. Mr. Satan is already in, but as a watermark, he uses the punching machine first and scores 137. Eighty-three contestants later, the Z Senshi begin with Juuhachigou, who scores 774. Convinced that it's an error, the tournament officials check the machine and then have her go again. She hits it even more lightly than she did the first time and manages to bring her score down to 203. From then on, each Z Senshi scores in the same area, shocking everyone present, until Vegeta's turn comes up and he breaks the machine. Son Gohan and Videl, who haven't gone yet, are forced to wait for a new machine to be set up.
210. No Small Matter!! Chibi Trunks
After a recreation of the Cell Game for the viewing pleasure of the Tenkaichi Budokai audience, the youth division begins. After several uneventful matches, it's finally Trunks' turn to take on a fifteen year old. Stunning the audience, Trunks wins in two hits, leaving his opponent unconscious. As he leaves the platform, Goten informs him that his match is coming up.
211. It's My Turn! Goten's Anxious First Fight
Following a few matches after Trunks' amazing victory, the seven year old Son Goten is up, fighting the fourteen-year-old brother of Trunks' opponent. After his opponent shows off his unimpressive moves, Goten ends the fight with a single punch. From there, Goten and Trunks both advance until the final match pits them against each other. They seem more or less equal, though we know from earlier episodes that Trunks is slightly stronger. Their incredible strength, speed, and the ability to fly leave an awed crowd literally gaping at them, while the Z Senshi encourage them both to do their best.
212. Happiness Times a Million! The Junior Champion is Decided!!
The fight between Son Goten and Trunks continues. Both break a few rules along the way, though none belonging to the Tenkaichi Budokai itself, but only their own, such as no Super Saiya-jin or no ki blasts. Each one has the upper hand from time to time, but eventually, it comes down to one last technique and -- (cough) -- wins. Well, go read the summary to find out, damn it!
213. Now What, Satan!? The Greatest Pinch in History
Mr. Satan is forced to fight the winner of the Junior Division as a special attraction, but having seen the explosive power of Goten and Trunks, whichever one may be the winner, he obviously doesn't want to partake anymore. After all, losing to a kid wouldn't be very good for his image. So he decides he'll make it appear as if he lost on purpose, and despite the hit he's dealt, he somehow manages to pull it off. Later, as the Z Senshi are heading toward the arena to draw for the tournament's match-ups, they're approached by two very strange people. After a short conversation with Son Goku, the mysterious couple leaves for the drawing, as they too have made it past the Tenkaichi Budokai preliminaries.
214. Even Match-ups Decided!! Let's Hurry and Hold the First Round
Still set on fighting the adults, Trunks and Goten knock out and take the clothes from a masked fighter who made it through the preliminaries. The drawings to decide the first round match-ups begin. Kuririn has to fight some no name, Juuhachigou has to fight Mr. Satan, "Shin," the smaller of the mysterious couple the Z Senshi met in the last episode, fights Piccolo, Gohan fights Kibit, the second in that strange couple, Videl has to fight Spopovitch, a giant, pasty white man, and... Son Goku vs. Vegeta.
215. What's the Matter, Piccolo!? An Unheard-of No-Fight Forfeit
With the first round matches decided, the 25th Tenkaichi Budokai Senior Division is finally underway, and it begins with an astonishing (to the audience, at least) victory for Kuririn over the enormous Punter. Next up, Piccolo vs. the mysterious "Shin." Piccolo takes the stage, but no fight is to occur. After a long time of "staring and being amazed/scared/whatever," Piccolo finally forfeits, much to the surprise of everyone, including Shin. And now Round 3 will pit Videl against the odd Spopovitch...
216. Undyingly Unpleasant!? The Mystery of Spopovitch
Shin finally reveals his identity to Piccolo as the god above gods, Kaioushin. However, he requests that Piccolo keep the secret to himself for the time being. Meanwhile, Videl takes on Spopovitch and in fact, does so well that her victory seems certain within the first few minutes. However, attack after attack, even after a broken neck that left everyone believing he was dead, Spopovitch always manages to recover. Finally, Videl is completely worn out, and Spopovitch goes on the offensive...
217. A Tragic Videl!! Are You Coming Out, Angry Super Gohan?
Videl basically gets the crap beaten out of her by the seemingly invincible Spopovitch. He shows off his skills by flying and even firing a ki blast at Videl, leaving the Z Senshi scratching their heads. He brutally beats up Videl, and at one point, she falls out of the ring and no longer has the strength to fly, so he catches her and continues the fight. Finally, Gohan becomes so angry that he turns Super Saiya-jin, but before he can intervene, Yamu tells Spopovitch to end the fight, and Spopovitch complies. As Son Goku teleports to get senzu from Karin, Gohan takes Videl to the hospital.
218. Exposed!! The Saiyaman is Son Gohan
Following the conclusion of Videl's battle, Son Goku traveled to Karin Tower to get senzu (previous ep). Gohan requests that his match, which comes next, be delayed a bit so that he can give Videl a miraculous medicine that will cure her as soon as his father gets back with it. The announcer agrees, and so they wait. Finally, Goku returns, and Videl is healed with a senzu (despite the protests of Satan and the doctor). The Great Saiyaman goes out onto the platform with Kibit to fight their match, and one of Gohan's classmates recognizes him through binoculars. They all begin cheering him on by name instead of by his Great Saiyaman alias, and disappointed that he was found out, he discards his sunglasses (most of the rest of his disguise had been thrown off when he turned Super Saiya-jin in the previous episode). Kibit tells Gohan to turn Super Saiya-jin, which shocks Gohan, but Piccolo tells him to do as Kibit says, and so Gohan agrees. Meanwhile, Kaioushin finally reveals his identity to the other Z Senshi, who are, of course, amazed.
219. A Slithering Conspiracy!! Gohan's Power is Stolen
Gohan powers up and transforms into Super Saiya-jin 2, which obviously amazes everyone there (especially his classmates, who had no idea he was the Golden Warrior). As predicted by Kaioushin, Yamu and Spopovitch jump out and steal Gohan's energy. When their energy stealer thing is full, they drop Gohan and fly away. Kibit heals him and everyone follows (except Number 18, who's not interested in going since there's no money involved). On their way to wherever they're going, Kaioushin explains to Goku, Vegeta, Piccolo, and Kuririn and Kibit to Gohan and Videl what's going on, which involves thwarting the plan of an evil Madoshi, Babidi, who wants to revive the ultimate evil in the universe, Majin Buu.
220. The Appearance of Darkness!! The Evil Madoshi, Babidi
Following Yamu and Spopovitch, the Z Senshi finally find Babidi's spaceship. Upon arrival, Kaioushin and Kibit are shocked to find that Babidi is in the company of Dabura, the King of Darkness. As Kaioushin puts it, where one of the Z Senshi is probably the strongest in this universe, Dabura is definitely the strongest in his Realm of Darkness. Meanwhile, as the Z Senshi stand and gawk from a nearby mountain, Yamu and Spopovitch hand over the energy they stole from Son Gohan and are promptly killed off by Babidi and his henchman, Puipui.
221. A Trap in Waiting!! A Challenge from the Darkness
Dabura starts off by killing Kibit and turning Kuririn and Piccolo to stone. On Babidi's orders, Goku, Gohan, Vegeta, and Kaioushin are left alone -- the Saiya-jin for their energy, and Kaioushin so that Babidi can take his revenge personally. After the initial shock of their three-fold loss wears off, the remaining Z Senshi head into the space ship, where they're soon confronted by Puipui, who steps up to battle Vegeta.
222. Don't Mess with Me!! Vegeta's First Attack is Filled with Anger
Vegeta and Puipui face off, and Puipui is completely outclassed, even after Babidi uses his magic to take them to the planet where Puipui was born. After a pretty brief fight, Puipui is killed by Vegeta, and they progress to the next stage in the ship. Babidi, reeling from defeat, sends out a giant beast named Yakon to fight Goku in stage 2...
223. Goku's at Full Power!! Take That, Yakon
Goku fights the monster Yakon in stage 2. To speed up Majin Buu's resurrection, Babidi moves them to the Planet of Darkness, Yakon's homeworld. Believing that the Z Senshi can't fight because they can't see, Yakon commences his attack and is easily beaten up by Goku. He wonders aloud if Goku can see him, and Goku explains that he doesn't need to see to fight, but also states that if he wanted to, he could create his own light, and turns Super Saiya-jin as a demonstration. Yakon sucks up the light and eats it, and Goku is thrown back out of Super Saiya-jin, but gets an idea. He turns Super Saiya-jin again, and as Yakon is sucking up the light, Goku quickly raises his ki. Yakon takes too much light at once and as a result, explodes. The Z Senshi proceed to Stage 3, and the King of Darkness himself, Dabura heads up to meet them.
224. A Huge Mistake!! Satan vs. the Three Super Warriors!?
As the Z Senshi wait impatiently, Dabura retreats into a meditation room to raise his ki before taking on Son Gohan. Meanwhile, at the Tenkaichi Budokai, Satan finally solves the problem of what to do with only five fighters by coming up with the idea of a battle royale. Those remaining will fight it out in a free-for-all. In the first seconds of the battle royale, Number 18 and Mighty Mask knock out Jewel and Killa respectively, leaving only themselves and Mr. Satan. As Mr. Satan comes up with his plans, Mighty Mask attacks Number 18, and the real battle begins.
225. The Kids Are Strong!! A Tough Fight for Number 18!?
The battle between Mighty Mask and Number 18 continues. Number 18 originally has the upperhand, but as Goten and Trunks become more accustomed to fighting as they are, Mighty Mask becomes a much more formidable opponent. Finally, Goten and Trunks decide they can't win and turn Super Saiya-jin. With that, Number 18 realizes who she's really fighting and throws an attack somewhat like Kienzan. Trunks and Goten go separate ways and their costume is cut in half, revealing them to the entire crowd of the Tenkaichi Budokai. They are disqualified, and Number 18 prepares to fight Satan. Meanwhile, at Babidi's spaceship, Dabura finally comes out of his meditation room.
226. The Debut of the King of Evil! It's Your Turn, Gohan!!
The Tenkaichi Budokai ends with Number 18 blackmailing Mr. Satan for double the first place prize. In exchange, she'll let him win. Near the Tenkaichi Budokai stadium, Videl meets up with Goten and Trunks and fills them in on what's happened. Meanwhile, on a planet called Hande, the battle between Gohan and Dabura begins.
227. A Heart of Evil Found!! Dabura's Good Idea
Gohan and Dabura fight and seem about evenly matched, for the most part. Vegeta begins to get angry and Goku notes that Gohan has really been screwing around in regard to his training for the past seven years. Finally, Dabura notices Vegeta's anger and realizes he could be charmed by Babidi. He stops the battle and tells Babidi his plan...
228. The Rebirth of Vegeta, Prince of Destruction!! Confusion Enters the Ring
Vegeta allows himself to be charmed in order to fight Goku. After a long transformation, Majin Vegeta is born with a huge power up (including the ability to reach Super Saiya-jin 2). Babidi decides to make it interesting and transports everyone to the now-concluded Tenkaichi Budokai in the middle of the post-tournament festivities. Vegeta opens by destroying an entire section of the stadium and killing countless spectators in the process. Everyone is stunned, but no one moreso than Bulma.
229. The Fated Battle!! Goku vs. Vegeta
Vegeta further enrages Goku by destroying another section of stadium. Finally, Goku turns Super Saiya-jin and decides to fight Vegeta, but Kaioushin intervenes. He tells Goku that if he wants to fight Vegeta, he'll have to kill him first. Goku calls his bluff and forms a ki blast that he aims at Kaioushin's face, and finally, Kaioushin caves. Babidi moves everyone to an empty desert area, and as Goku and Vegeta prepare to fight, Kaioushin and Gohan drop into the ship to fight Babidi and Dabura in hopes of preventing Majin Buu's resurrection.
230. Wait for Us, Babidi!! We Won't Allow You to Continue Your Evil
As Kaioushin and Gohan descend into the depths of Babidi's spaceship, the battle between Son Goku and Majin Vegeta begins. For the most part, the two seem about equal, though at times, Vegeta appears to have the upper hand. Kaioushin and Gohan stumble on Majin Buu's sphere and are met by Dabura and Babidi, who greet them. As Goku and Vegeta fight it out on the surface, the second battle is about to begin.
231. The Seal is Broken! The Ultimate Evil, Majin Buu Appears!!
Babidi moves everyone outside so that when Buu is released, he won't destroy the ship. Outside, Majin Buu finally reaches full power as the fight between Goku and Vegeta continues. Meanwhile, Vegeta explains his reasons for being possessed during a break in the fight, and Goten and Trunks race toward the largest set of ki in order to see Majin Buu, who they anticipate will be incredibly strong, and thus, incredibly fun.
232. I Won't Let You Be Reborn!! The Kamehameha to Change Fate
As the fight between Son Goku and Majin Vegeta rages on, Gohan tries his hand against the so far unborn Majin Buu by attacking the sphere with ki blasts. Unfortunately, they have little effect. After one such attack, pink gas begins to shoot out of the sphere and shortly thereafter, it splits in half, revealing nothing but more of that pink gas. Kaioushin is elated and Babidi, disappointed to see that Majin Buu did not emerge. However, Gohan seems to be the only one who notices a giant ki in the sky. Everyone realizes it and looks up to see an enormous cloud of that pink gas slowly coming together. Finally, it takes a semi-human form and the fat, pink Majin Buu materializes.
233. A Straight Path to Destruction!? Kaioushin Despairs
First of all, yes, the fight between Goku and Vegeta [insert some cool new word for "continues" here]. Meanwhile, Majin Buu makes Dabura his first victim after a few disparaging remarks anger him. When Majin Buu's power explodes for a moment, Vegeta and Goku realize his true potential and decide to put the fight on hold until Majin Buu has been taken care of. However, as Goku searches for the senzu, Vegeta knocks him out. He takes the last senzu, claims responsibilty for Majin Buu's rebirth, and vows to defeat Buu himself. Meanwhile, Babidi orders Buu to kill Gohan and Kaioushin. Gohan grabs Kaioushin by the arm and quickly races away at top speed, but Buu effortlessly catches up and with one hit, he knocks Gohan out of the sky and possibly out of "This World."
234. The Terrifying Majin Buu!! It's Feared that Gohan is On the Brink of Death
Son Gohan and Kaioushin continue to put up a futile fight against Majin Buu. Finally, both Gohan and Kaioushin seem to be unconscious or dead. As Babidi prepares to finish off Kaioushin, he shows some faint signs of life and Babidi runs off. He orders Buu to kill Kaioushin, but just as Buu prepares to eat him, a spear plunges through his midsection. Dabura has returned. Buu pulls the spear out and advances on Dabura. Meanwhile, Goten and Trunks have arrived at the mountain where the Z Senshi originally gathered and Trunks has made the enormous mistake of breaking stone Piccolo, thus making it impossible for Piccolo to return to normal.
235. I'm Gonna Eat You!! The Starving Majin's Psychic Powers
Buu turns Dabura into a cookie and eats him after a short fight. As he prepares to do the same to Kaioushin, Vegeta shows up and destroys the space ship. The fight between Vegeta and Majin Buu begins as Piccolo and Kuririn are returned from stone by Dabura's death.
236. A Warrior's Resolve!! I'm Going to Destroy the Majin Myself
Vegeta and Majin Buu fight. For a while, it seems Vegeta's on top, but Majin Buu simply uses the opportunity to show off his incredible regenerative abilities. Finally, Vegeta really angers Buu and Buu responds with an enormous explosion that seriously injures Vegeta and as far as we know, kills the unconscious Kaioushin.
237. For the Sake of My Loved Ones... Vegeta Falls!!
Despite Piccolo's protests, Goten and Trunks race to Vegeta's aid. After throwing Buu out of the way, Trunks and Goten shake Vegeta back to consciousness. Meanwhile, Piccolo appears behind Babidi and, after a brief battle, kills him. As Buu reappears, Vegeta urges Trunks to take care of his mother. He knocks out both children and sends them away with Piccolo. Piccolo and Kuririn escape to a safe distance as Vegeta charges up his ki and self-destructs in an effort to blow Buu into so many pieces that even he couldn't regenerate.
238. The Nightmare Continues!! Majin Buu is Still Alive
Vegeta's attack finally finishes. When it's all over, Majin Buu is gone and Vegeta is just a stone in the sky. The stone falls to the ground, shattering on impact. Eventually, Piccolo goes to survey the damage, and much to his shock and fear, all of the little bits of Majin Buu begin moving around, eventually completely regenerating. He races back to Kuririn and they together decide to go to God's Palace while Babidi hatches a plan to cause immense suffering on Earth instead of simply destroying the planet.
239. Videl-tachi's Struggle! Searching for the Dragon Ball
Piccolo and Kuririn return to God's Palace to consider their next move and allow the kids to rest. Videl and the others ("-tachi" in the title making it mean basically "Videl and the others") go searching for the Four Star Dragon Ball, having already recovered the other six. Their goal is to revive everyone Majin Vegeta killed, and of course, though they don't want to think about it, to revive any of their friends who may now be dead. As they work at getting the final Dragon Ball, Son Goku finally awakens, alone on what was the site of his battle with Majin Vegeta.
240. A Big Hope!! The Kids' New Ultimate Attack
Goten and Trunks continue resting at God's Palace as Piccolo fills Goku in on everything that's happened. They try to come up with a plan and ultimately decide to teach the children a technique Goku picked up from the Metamoru-sei-jin called Fusion in which two fighters become one, using their combined strength in addition to a massive power upgrade. Meanwhile, Bulma and the others summon Shenlon to revive everyone who Vegeta killed. They phrase their wish so that it revives everyone who died that day (evil-doers aside), and in the crater Vegeta left behind, Kibit awakens.
241. Goten and Trunks · The Whole World's Ordered to Find Them
Kibit searches out Kaioushin, and upon finding and healing him, the two go find Gohan and teleport to Kaioushin's planet, Kaioushin Kai. Meanwhile, Chichi, Videl, Bulma, and the others finally hear about what happened to Gohan (who they believe to be dead) and Vegeta. Majin Buu and Babidi arrive at a large city and, in his effort to find Piccolo, Goten, and Trunks, Babidi broadcasts to the entire world as Buu turns the population of the city to candy and eats them. His order is to bring him Piccolo and the kids or suffer the same fate as this city.
242. Gohan's Resurrection · Is That Kaioushin's Secret Weapon!?
Babidi finishes his threat on the world with an ultimatum -- if he doesn't receive Piccolo, Goten, and Trunks in five days, he'll kill everyone on Earth. On Kaioushin Kai, Gohan is healed and is given a brief explanation of the Zetto Sword, a legendary sword that Kaioushin plans to have Gohan use against Majin Buu. Meanwhile, at God's Palace, Goten and Trunks finally awaken and, after hearing of the deaths of Vegeta and Gohan, prepare to learn fusion.
243. I've Pulled It Out!! The Legendary Zetto Sword
On Kaioushin Kai, Gohan goes to work on the Zetto Sword. He initially has trouble, but after turning Super Saiya-jin, he finally manages to pull it out. Back on Earth, Babidi and Majin Buu obliterate another city. A crowd appeals to Satan to save them once again, and he promises to do so after he perfects his latest technique (his attempts at flight). At God's Palace, Goten and Trunks watch the destruction of the city unfold via Babidi's little transmission to everyone on the planet, and finally resolve to learn fusion, which they were apparently still undecided on.
244. He's After the Western Capitol! Stop Majin Buu!!
The annoying woman from the Tenkaichi Budokai contacts Babidi and lets him know that Trunks lives in the Western Capitol, because she wishes revenge on Trunks after how he defeated her son at the Budokai. Babidi announces the news to the world and says he's heading off there now. Realizing that the Dragon Radar will be destroyed with the city, the Z Senshi try to come up with a plan, and Goku comes up with something pretty simple. He'll delay Majin Buu while Trunks goes home to get the radar. Trunks sets off for the Capsule Corporation building, and Goku teleports to Buu, turning Super Saiya-jin 2 as he mentions "...something that surpasses the Super Saiya-jin which surpassed Super Saiya-jin."
245. Oh! What a Surprise!! Super Saiya-jin 3
In order to stall Babidi and Majin Buu while Trunks searches for the Dragon Radar, Goku begins an explanation of Super Saiya-jin. He first fades out of Super Saiya-jin and begins with his normal state. He then turns Super Saiya-jin, and then Super Saiya-jin 2. Babidi scoffs at Super Saiya-jin 2, stating that he hasn't really changed very much (keep in mind, Babidi and Majin Buu can't sense ki). Goku ignores the comment and prepares for a third transformation, much to the shock of the Z Senshi, watching from God's Palace via Babidi's worldwide transmission. After a long, drawn-out transformation, Son Goku emerges on a new level, Super Saiya-jin 3. From there, he begins an attack on Majin Buu as Trunks searches frantically for a Dragon Radar that simply can't be found at the Capsule Corporation building in the Western Capitol.

Email me if you have questions about the Buu Saga