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DragonBall GT
Baby Saga: Ten years after the end of DragonBall Z, Son Goku gets turned into a child again by a wish Pilaf made. The only way Son Goku can get back in his normal state is by finding the Black Star DragonBalls scattered across space. Son Goku, Pan, and Trunks go on journeys battling minor villans. At one planet, the DragonBall gang stumbles across Baby. Baby sneaks on board and lands on Earth. Baby takes over bodies in hope of finding a good host. Baby first uses Goten and Gohan as hosts, but he finally finds the most powerful host, it is Vegeta! Vegeta now turns into Baby-Vegeta. A great battle between Son Goku and Vegeta begins. It turns out Son Goku is no match for Baby-Vegeta. Then Kaiousin pulls out Son Goku's tail, hoping he can go into Oozaru stage. It works, but Son Goku still cannot defeat Bebi-Vegeta, who now is Super Bebi (Oozaru Bebi-Vegeta). Then something weird happens, Son Goku takes control of his body now and transforms into SSJ4 Son Goku! Son Goku soon defeats Super Bebi. (Note: Babi-Vegeta can also turn to SSJ4). Super A 17 & Evil Shenlong Sagas: In hell, Dr. Gero and Myuu creates Artifical 17. Artifical 17 comes from Hell to fuse with Android #17, when they fused, they became Super 17. Son Goku gets tricked into going to hell to fight Cell and Freeza, who was already dead. Without Son Goku, the earth is doomed. Piccolo, (who died in the Baby Saga) and Dende creates a portal so Son Goku can get out of hell. Son Goku later kills Super 17. When the DragonBalls are gathered to wish back the people killed in battle something goes wrong. Shenlong says that with all the negative energy the DragonBalls have restored, seven evil dragons have been formed. Each dragon possess a DragonBall, so Son Goku and the Z fighters go off to fight the evil dragons. When they come up agains Li, SSJ4 Son Goku fuses with... SSJ4 Vegeta! Making SSJ4 Gogeta. He beats the stuff out of him with ease. But Gogeta's fusion span was shortened because of the 4th stage of Super Saiyan. They can only stay fused for 20 min instead of 30 min. Just when Gogeta was about to finish Li, he diffuses. But the 2 warriors eventually killed the worn out Li. When all seven dragons have been defeated, the real Shenlong appears and grants Son Goku one wish, the wish is that everyone killed in battle against the dragons to be brought back to life. Shenlong tells Son Goku to get on his back, then the seven dragonballs are absorbed into Son Goku, and his whole body vanishes, leaving only his clothe on the ground. Seems that Son Goku is the most powerful fighter in the universe to have the DragonBalls absorbed.

The Family Tree
Saiya-jin Information/Stages
Saiya-jins are an extraordinary, barbarous and powerful race. (Note: In Japanese, "jin" means people; so that means that saiya-jin are "Saiya people") Their sole purpose in life was to fight and survive. At the beginning of the Dragonball series, we learn that they lived on Planet Plant. They shared this planet with a race called tsufuru-jin. The tsufuru-jins were an advanced race with many cities and highly-advanced technology. Their technology allowed them to fight against the naturally strong saiya-jins. The saiya-jins were strong savages who lived in wastelands attacking the tsufuru-jins at times. Because the saiya-jins had the natural ability of fighting using their bare hands, they were a force to be reckoned on. Fortunately for the tsufuru-jins, they were able to defend their planet with their technologies. Then, one night on the full moon, all the saiya-jins who had been exposed to the light of the full moon, underwent the change into Oozaru (Giant Ape) and easily crushed the tsufuru-jins out of existence. From then on the planet was called Planet Vegeta.

The saiya-jins used some of the tsufuru-jin technology to become the strongest race in the universe. The strongest being in the universe, Freeza, an evil creature, used the saiya-jins as mercenaries to take over planets for him and sell them. One day, the saiya-jins got tired of working for Freeza, so the king, King Vegeta, revolted with several of his loyal men. Unfortunately, he was killed along with his men. Freeza then destroyed Planet Vegeta in one giant blast, along with the entire saiya-jin race. Only a few saiya-jins survived, including Kakarotto (Goku), Prince Vegeta, Raditzu, Nappa, Taurus, Paragus and Brolli.


(Normal) Saiya-jin:
This is the typical appearance of a saiya-jin. A normal saiya-jin has black hair, a thick, strong, muscular body, and a unique tail. Saiya-jins have the excellent natural fighting ability that causes them to consume a great amount of calories daily. In order to provide these calories, they eat a lot. Goku, a low-class saiya-jin, consumes about 10 times the appetite a normal human would eat daily. Compared to humans, saiya-jins are extremely strong. Even when hit by a Bulma's car in the beginning of the Dragonball series, Goku was not hurt. He immediately stood up after he was hit.

Saiya-jins have the super ability of changing (upgrading) to stronger forms, as described below:

Super Saiya-jin

Description: Freeza's worst fear... the Super Saiya-jin. This level is a legend early in Dragonball Z, but eventually becomes a natural form. Goku is the second person to ever reach this level, but is the first one we ever see doing it. When reaching this level the Saiya-jin's hair turns goldish blond, the eye's turn green, and his power level rises greatly. The Legendary SSJ mentioned throughout the series is Brolli. Super Saiya-jin are supposed to be ruthless killing machines, but we see that the Saiya-jin's personality barely changes after the transformation. The Super Saiya-jin level is triggered by emotional rage (usually). It can only be reached by someone with a pure heart of good or evil. Once reached the status of super saiya-jin, the Saiya-jin can go SSJ at will.

Those who achieved this form: Goku, Gohan, Vegeta, Trunks, Goten and Brolli

Ultra Super Saiya-jin

Description: This stage is between SSJ and SSJ 2. During this stage the Saiya-jin's muscles greatly increase in size. The Saiya-jin becomes very strong, but also very slow. Attacks would do a lot of damage, but it is unlikely to hit the opponent. When Goku and his son, Gohan were training in the Room of Gravity and Time during the Cell saga, Goku demonstrated this stage to Gohan, and told him that it was useless because of it's drawback of making a saiya-jin usually slow. This stage's disadvantage is demonstrated as Trunks fights Cell and is beaten.

Those who achieved this form: Goku, Mirai Trunks, Brolli, Vegeta

Super Saiya-jin 2

Description: This stage was first reached by Gohan while fighting Evil Cell in the Cell Game. This stage is very much like the first Super Saiya-jin stage, but of course much stronger. Occasionally, the Saiya-jin who is in the form has electricity going around his body and through it. That's how you can tell the difference between SSJ and SSJ2. Also a Saiya-jin level 2 has slightly longer hair. This level is more superior than ssj level 1 in terms of strength and speed. It is also triggered by extreme rage.

Those who achieved this form: Gohan, Goku, Vegeta, Brolli

Super Saiya-jin 3

Description: Goku is the first and only person besides Gotenks to reach this stage. It is one of the strongest forms in all of Dragonball. You can tell a Saiya-jin is SSJ 3 when they have gold hair like all the other forms before it, and their hair gets really long and full. Also, the Saiya-jin's eyebrows disappear. This level is only achieved through training. After training in Heaven during the period of time after the Cell saga, Goku learned how to transform to ssj3. This form brings more power and speed, but because it uses more energy, a saiya-jin can only stay in this form for a short period of time.

Those who achieved this form: Goku and Gotenks

Super Saiya-jin 4
Description: This stage was made by TOEI Animation and was nothing to do with the original author of Dragonball, Akira Toriyama. During this stage the Saiya-jin's tail grows back. Their eyes turn yellow with a red outline around the eyes. The palm contains a hole that can absorb energy. Their back and most of their body is covered with red fur. The hair stays black, but gets long, not as long as SSJ 3. And again the Saiya-jin gets unbelievably powerful. Goku is the only real person to reach this level, but Buruma creates a device that turns Vegeta into a SSJ 4 also. This form is triggered by extreme rage, anger and sorrow.

Those who achieved this form: Goku and Vegeta


Description: When a Saiya-jin with a tail is exposed to pure moonlight (from any moon) he turns into a gigantic 20-foot tall, ape-like creature. The Saiya-jin's power level is increased ten times when turning Oozaru (Oozaru is the Japanese word for "Big Monkey") Saiya-jin's used this form to take over planets for Freeza. This form is possibly the most powerful form under SSJ level 3. All saiya-jins, except Goku and Gohan were able to control themselves during this form.

Those who achieved this form: Goku, Gohan, Vegeta, and other saiyans that took over planets for Freeza

Ougon Oozaru (Golden Oozaru)

Description: This stage is much like the regular Oozaru stage except that the fur is golden not brown and it's of course much stronger. This is also made by TOEI. To reach this stage a Saiya-jin must have a tail and must receive more waves from the moonlight. The only ones to ever reach this stage was Goku and Bebi Vegeta during Dragonball GT. Vegeta reached it while Bebi was inside of him and attacked his friends. He was eventually defeated by Goku.

Those who achieved this form: Goku and Bedi-Vegeta.
Dragonball Power Levels
Are you wondering about the power level of a character throughout the Dragonball Z Sagas? Well, wonder no more. We've created this section here just for you. We've included accurate power levels of the major characters in dbz.

Note: The power levels after the Frieza saga are just estimates because after the Frieza saga, the scouters were no longer in use, so no exact reading is known.

Character Name Power Level
Time: Raditz Battle
Farmer 5
Gohan 1-710
- really angry 1, 130
Goku 334
- without heavy clothes 416
-Kamehameha 924
Krillin 206
Master Roshi 160
Piccolo 322
- without weighted clothes 408
- Makankosappo (first try) 1,330
- Makankosappo (second try) 1,440
Raditz 1,200
Tien 250
Turtle 0.001
Yamcha 177
Time: Saiya-jin Battle
Chaozu 610
Gohan 981
- Masenko 2,800
Oozaru 9,810-28,000
Goku 5,000
- charged up 8,000
- Kaio-Ken 12,000
- Kaio-Ken x2 16,000
- Kaio-Ken x3 24,000
- Kaio-Ken x4+Kamehameha 32,000
Krillin 1,083
- max 1,770
Nappa 4,000
Piccolo 1,220
- max 3,500
Saibamen 1,200
Tien 1,830
Vegeta 18,000
- Oozaru 180,000
Yamcha 1,480
Time: Freeza Saga
Gohan 1,500
- After Guru charge 12,500
- After Senzu Heal 17,000
- While fighting Freeza 20,000
Krillin 1,500
- After Guru's charge 11,000
- After Senzu Heal 16,500
- After Dende's Heal 19,000
Freeza's Henchmen 500
Kui 19,000
Dodoria 21,000
Zarbon 23,000
- Transformed 33,000
Vegeta 24,000
- After Zarbon Fight 35,000
- After Recoome Fight 300,000
- After Krillin's Attack 1,000,000
Guldo 10,000
Recoome 40,000
Burter 45,000
Jeice 50,000
Captain Ginyu 120,000
- In Goku's Body 23,000
Nail 42,000
Dende 10
Piccolo 200,000
- After fusion with Nail 800,000
- After Dende Heal 1,500,000
Goku 5,000
- After gravity training 180,000
- After Ginyu fight 300,000
- Kaio-Ken x10 3,000,000
- Kaio-Ken x20 6,000,000
- Super Saiyan 15,000,000
Freiza 530,000
- Form 2 1,000,000
- Form 3 2,500,000
- Final Form 4,000,000
- 50% of max 6,000,000
- 70% of max 8,400,000
- 100% of max 12,000,000
Time: Garlic Jr. Saga
Garlic Jr. 1,000,000
- transformed 4,000,000
Gohan 900,000
- really masenko 4,500,000
Kami 300,000
Krillin 600,000
Piccolo 2,000,000
Time: Trunks Saga
Vegeta 4,000,000
Piccolo 3,000,000
Gohan 1,000,000
Krillin 750,000
Tien 800,000
Yamcha 700,000
Chaozu 500,000
Freeza's Henchmen 5,000
Freeza bot 12,500,000
King Cold 13,000,000
Super Saiya-jin Trunks 18,000,000
- Surpressed 5
Super Saiya-jin Goku 20,000,000
Time: Android Saga
Super Saiyan Goku 23,000,000
- sick 5,000,000
- after room of spirit and time 110,000,000
Super Saiyan Vegeta 25,000,000
- after room of spirit and time 90,000,000
Super Saiya-jin Trunks 20,000,000
- Ultra Super Saiyan 130,000,000
Piccolo 18,000,000
- after fusion with Kami 40,000,000
Gohan 6,000,000
- after room of spirit and time 120,000,000
Krillin 4,500,000
Tien 4,000,000
Yamcha 3,000,000
Android 16 40,000,000
Android 17 35,000,000
Android 18 35,000,000
Android 19 10,000,000
Android 20 5,000,000
Cell 35,000,000
- after absorbing humans 45,000,000
- after absorbing Android 17 65,000,000
Perfect Cell 125,000,000
Time: Cell Saga
Super Saiyan Trunks 105,000,000
Super Saiyan Vegeta 100,000,000
Super Saiyan Gohan 130,000,000
- SSJ2 325,000,000
Super Saiyan Goku 120,000,000
Piccolo 60,000,000
Perfect Cell 125,000,000
Super Perfect Cell 300,000,000

.Preface (events that occured before the Dragonball series began.)
Dragonball Sagas
Dragonball Z Sagas
Dragonball GT
Preface (Before Dragonball starts)
Over 100 million B.C. Earliest Kaiou Samma is thought to exist
Around 75 million B.C. The 15th generation Rou Kaioushin is sealed in the Z Sword
Around 5 million B.C. Bibidi creates Buu; Buu destroys hundreds of planets and kills 4 Kaioushins. Buu absorbs Dai Kaiou, making him seem fat. West Kaiushin kills Bibidi and leaves Buu's sphere shell on Eart.
50-10 thousand B.C. Annin begins protecting the Furnace of Eight Divinations on the border between Real world and the Other world
4237 B.C. Garlic Junior's ancestors migrate to Earth
739 B.C. Jadoushin becomes the Princess of Serpent Path
238 B.C. The Legendary Super Saiya-jin begins destroying the universe
250 A.D. Usanai Baba begins her fortune telling business
261 Enma Daiou travels Snake Path to get training from King Kai. Princess Snake sees him, and falls in love. A violent storm begins on Namek; Piccolo is still a child and is sent off the planet. He later arrives on Earth
430 Master Roshi (Muten Roshi) is born
459 Tsurusennin's brother, Tao Pai Pai is born
461 Kami selects Piccolo as his successor; Garlic assaults kami for not selecting him, so Kami traps him. Piccolo removes the evil from his heart, creating piccolo Daimaou. Daimaou terrorizes Earth, and gets sealed in the Denshi Jar by Mutaito. This causes Mutaito to die.
474 Darbura watches Earth
550 The first Saiya-jin lands on Planet Plant
553 Master Roshi begins looking at dirty magazines
650 Master Roshi finds the 3-Starred Dragonball washed up on his island. The first Tenkaichi Budoukai occurs.
658 Son Gohan Ojisan is born
662 Kami tells Mr. Popo his childhood memories
698 Toninjinka is born
715 Pilaf is born
720-730 War between the Tsufuru-jin and Saiya-jin race begins. The Saiya-jin defeat the Tsufuru-jin and rename Planet Plant to Planet Vegeta. They then adopt the Tsufuru-jin's technologies.
722 General blue from the Red Ribbon Army is born
730 Tao Pai Pai starts his career as an assassin
731 Saiya-jin makes a treaty with Freeza and start capturing planets and selling them. King Vegeta marries his queen
732 Prince Vegeta is born
733 Bulma, Yamcha, and Tienshihan are born. Earth's current king is sworn in.
735 Freeza starts to feel misgivings toward the Saiya-jin
736 Krillin is born
737 Kakarot is born; his father rejects him as a failure because he's a low-class Saiya-jin. Planet Vegeta takes control of Planet Meat and Kanassa. Bardock has premonitions of Goku fighting Freeza. King Vegeta dies while revolting against Freeza. Freeza destroys Planet Vegeta. Goku is sent off of Planet Vegeta to Earth. Chi-chi is born.
738 Goku hits his head on a rock after falling into a canyon. This causes him to loose his memory and mission to destroy Earth.
739 Ox King and his daughter becomes trapped in Mount Frypan
740 Oolong is born. Krillin begins his training at the Orinji Temple. Bebi creates Dr. Myu to gather energy so he can be reborn
747 Yamcha meets Puar
748 Mast Roshi's Phoenix dies of food poisoning. He discovers a lost baby sea turtle
749 Bulma enters Senior High School in the Western City. She discovers the 2-Star Dragonball in her basement. On August 22, Bulma discovers the 5-Star Dragonball in a cave to the North
Beginning of Dragonball Series: Pilaf Saga
Sept. 1, 749 On summer vacation, Bulma meets Goku. Goku shows her the ball which he thinks contains his grandfather's soul. This ball is actually the 4-Star dragonball.
Sep. 2, 749 Bulma nd Goku meet Master Roshi; Master Roshi gives them the 3-Star dragonball in exchange to touch Bulma's breats.
Sept. 5, 749 Goku stops Oolong's reign of terror and an old women gives him the 6-Star dragonball for the deed.
Sept. 6, 749 Goku meets Yamcha and fights him; the battle ends in a draw
Sept 9, 749 Goku defeats Yamcha. Master Roshi uses a Kamehameha to put out the flames on Frypan Mountain, unfortunately, he destroys the mountain and the castle. In the rubble, they find the 7-Star dragonball. Goku defeats Monster Carrot and his gang. Shuu and mai steal all but one of the dragonballs from Goku and the gang. Pilaf summons Shenlong, but Goku sees the full moon and turns Oozaru; then he destroys Pilaf's castle
Dragonball: Red Ribbon Army Saga
Sept. 10, 749 Goku and Krillin becomes Master Roshi's students
Sept. 14, 749 Goku and Krillin begin their training. They are forced to wake at 4:30 in the morning everyday to train
Oct. 2, 749 The second term of Western City Senior High School begins
April 6, 750 Goku and Krillin increase the weights on their backs to 40 pounds to further train
April 18, 750 Commander Silver of the Red Ribbon Army begins searching for the dragonballs
May 6, 750 Goku, Krillin and Master Roshi leave to fight in the 21st Tenkaichi Budoukai
May 7, 750 The 21st Tenkaichi Budoukai begins. Jackie Chun places first in the tournament and Goku takes second place. Goku, Pilaf and RR Army fight for the dragonballs. The RR Army takes the 5-Star and 6-Star dragonballs. Goku and Chi-chi meets in Ox King's village.
May 8, 750 Goku destroys the RR Army's Muscle Tower in the North
May 9, 750 Bulma fixes Goku's dragon radar. Goku fights Blue Shogun in the sky above Penguin Village. Arale-chan beats Blue Shogun without Goku's help. Tao Pai Pai kills blue with only his tongue. He wails on Goku at the base of Karin Tower, which Goku later begins to climb
May 10, 750 Summer vacation begins for Penguin Village High School. Goku reaches the top of Karin Tower and begins his training of taking the Super Holy Water from Karin
May 12, 750 Goku gets the Super Holy Water, which he finds only to be tap water. The actual training was only to get him stronger. Goku kills Tao Pai Pai at the base of Karin Tower. Goku defeats all of the Red Ribbon Army. Goku is reunited with his dead Grandpa, Gohan.
July, 750 The raining season begins in Namu's village on Namek
Dragonball: Piccolo Saga
750-753 A.D. Goku begins his training in which he runs around the world. In Chao village, he fights Kinkaku and Ginkaku. He meets Chintaiken and fights Tenron in the Gozen-Jiai contest. Goku enters the Demon World and fights the lord of this world, Shura. He saves Inoshikachou and meets Tenshinhan for the first time.
May 5, 753 Goku meets Konkichi. Goku swims to Papaya Island where the 22nd Tenkaichi Budouki is being held
May 7, 753 The 22nd Budoukai begins. Tienshinhan wins and Goku comes in second place. Killin is killed when Piccolo Daimaou appears
May 8, 753 The celebration of the 20 years under the rule of the King of the World
May 9, 753 Goku kills Piccolo Daimaou, and Piccolo is born. Goku reaches Kami's Palace and trains with Mr. Popo and Kami for the next three years.
May 7, 756 The 23rd Budoukai begins. After Chi-chi and Goku fight, they become engaged. Goku beats Piccolo and earns his first win at a Tenkaichi Bodoukai. The planning for Chi-chi's and Goku's wedding begins, but it is interrupted by the eruption of a fire in which Ox King is trapped inside Chi-chi's wedding room along with her dress. Chi-chi and Goku search for the Bashoo Sen to put out these magic flames.
May 8, 756 Grandma Hakkake teaches chi-chi how to be a good bride. Goku uses Basho Sen to put out the flames, but it doesn't work. He learns the flames are a result of a leak in the Furnace of Eight Divinations on the opposite side of the world. Goku travels to Mount Gogyou (the home of the Furnace of Eight Divisions), where he once again meets his grandpa. He fixes the hole in the bottom of the furnace and the flames cease around Ox King's castle
May, 757 Grandpa Gohan is born.
759-760 Goku is interviewed by Shonen Jump
760-770 Dr. Myu finds the alien Rirudo and turns him into Machine Mutant Shogun Rirudo. Rirudo uses his great powers to complete the construction of planet M2. The Machine Mutant begins to gather energy to resurrect Bebi.
The Beginning Dragonball Z: Saiya-jin Saga
Oct. 12, 761 Radditz arrives on Earth; Goku and Radditz die from Piccolo's Special Beam Cannon. Vegeta and Nappa land on planet Arlia and they are heading for Earth.
Period of Several Months Gohan begins his survival training. He finds a destroyed robot and becomes more mature. He tries to escape his training and go home, but when he meets Pigero and other orphans whose parents were killed in a tsunami, he finds enough courage to go back to his training. Yamcha is employed as a profession baseball player.
March 762 Krillin, Yamcha, Tienshinhan, Chaozu and Yajirobe train at Kami's Palace
April 29, 762 Goku arrives at King Kai's planet
May 9, 762 Goku catches Bubbles
May, 762 Krillin, Yamcha, Tienshinhan,and Chaozu make a spiritual travel to old Vegeta. They are easily beaten by the two "weak" Saiya-jin there.
May 23, 762 Goku hits Gregory with the huge hammer
Nov. 2, 762 Goku is resurrected
Nov. 3, 762 Vegeta and Nappa arrive on Earth. Nappa, Yamcha, Piccolo, Chaozu and Tienshinhan are killed. Gohan, Krillin, and Goku defeat Vegeta. Goku convinces Krillin to have mercy on Vegeta. Vegeta blasts off in his space pod. Dr. Gero deploys his micro-sized robot to collect blood samples from the strongest fighters in the world.
Nov. 4, 762 Goku, Krillin ad Gohan are hospitalized in the East City Hospital
Nov. 7, 762 Krillin and Gohan leave the hospital
Nov. 9, 762 The reconstruction of the Namekian ship Piccolo came in is completed
Nov. 14, 762 Bulma completes her lessons in the Namekian language. Bulma, Gohan and Krillin blast off for the destination, Planet Namek.
Nov. 21, 762 Vegeta lands on Freeza Planet Number 79
Dec. 13, 762 Vegeta is healed; he immediately leaves for Namek
Dragonball Z: Freeza Saga
Dec. 18, 762 Vegeta, Kuwi, Bulma and the gang all land on Namek abou the same time. Goku leaves for Namek. Dende takes Krillin to meet Guru. Piccolo, Tien (Tienshinhan), Chaozu and Yamcha make it to King Kai's planet. Goku's spaceship gets trapped in the gravity of the star, Alpha HZ. He uses Kamehameha to blow himself away.
Dec. 19, 762 Zarbon beats up Vegeta and takes him back to Freeza's ship to heal him.
Dec. 20, 762 Vegeta fights Zarbon once more and kills him. Krillin takes Gohan to meet Guru. Freeza orders the Ginyu Force to arrive on Namek immediately.
Dec. 23, 762 Goku completes hi training under 100x gravity
Dec. 24, 762 The Ginyu Force is killed, except for Ginyu himself. Piccolo is revived, and he fuses with Nail. Krillin is killed by Freeza, and Goku turns into a Super Saiya-jin. A wish is made with the Earth's Dragonballs to have everyone killed by Freeza or his followers wished back to life. With the Namek Dragonballs, everyone on Namek is wished back to Earth, except for Freeza and Goku. Goku defeats Freeza. Namek explodes.
May 3, 763 Krillin and Yamcha are revived with the Namekian dragonballs.
Sept. 9, 763 Tienshinhan and Chaozu are revived. The Nameks are wished to New Namek.
Oct., 763 Makyo Star is visible from Earth and Garlic Jr. returns from the Dead Zone. Gohan sends him back to the Dead Zone after destroying the Makyo Star
764 Freeza Cyborg's body is completed. Cell arrives in Trunk's time machine and goes underground to absorb nutrients.
Aug., 764 Trunks arrives and kills Freeza and King Cold. Goku returns to Earth.
Dragonball Z: Cell Saga
764-766 Vegeta trains to become a Super Saiya-jin. A relationship develops between Vegeta and Bulma. Goku and Piccolo attend driving school in order to get their driving licenses. Goku eventually does get it.
766 Trunks is born.
767 Goten is born.
May 7, 767 The 24th Tenkaichi Bodoukai takes place, ending with Mr. Satan as the champion.
May 12, 767 All the artificial humans (Androids) show up. Piccolo and Kami fuse. Goku suffers from his fatal heart disease. Cell of the present day is destroyed along with Dr. Gero's underground lab by Krillin and Trunks.
May 15, 767 Goku's heart disease is cured by Trunk's medicine. Vegeta and Trunks enter the Room of Spirit and Time
May 16, 767 Cell reaches second stage. Cell reaches perfect form. Goku and Gohan train in the Room of Spirit and Time.
May 17, 767 Cell announces the Cell Game to the entire planet. Goku and Gohan exit the Room of Spirit and Time and Piccolo enters.
May 18, 767 Piccolo exits the Room of Spirit and Time, and Vegeta enters again. Gohan saves Lime's village from Barbon.
May 19, 767 Cell destroys the Royal Army. Dende becomes the new guardian of Earth. Vegeta exits the Room of Spirit and Time; Trunks enters.
May 20, 767 Trunks exit the Room of Spirit and Time
May 26, 767 The Cell Game begins at noon. Goku sacrifices himself to prevent Earth from blowing up. Gohan totally destroys Cell.
May 27, 767 Goku's funeral takes place. Trunks goes back to his time.
Dragonball Z: Buu Saga
May-June, 767 Goku participates in the Annoyoichi Budoukai, which is in honor of the North Kaiou's death. Goku fights Pikehan, whose fighting technique is similar to Piccolo's. Trunks takes his first steps.
768 Doll-Taki is employed by Dr. Myu. His task is to gather energy to awaken Ruudo. He does so.
770 Krillin and Android 18 get married.
771 Marron is born.
773 Kaioushin and Kibito travel to Earth in search of the sphere that holds Buu.
March 28, 774 Gohan completes first grade at Orange Star High School
April 7, 774 A sighting occurs of the Golden Haired Warrior in Satan City. Gohan begins second grade at Orange Star High School and he meets Videl. Bulma creates a transformation suit for Gohan. The Great Saiyaman appears.
April 8, 774 Video discovers that Gohan is the Great Saiyaman
April 9, 774 Gohan teaches Video how to fly. Southern Kaiou watches Goku's training.
April 10, 774 Videl masters the flying technique
May 8, 774 Piccolo, Gohan and Gotenks are absorbed by Buu. Buu kills just about everyone on Earth. Rou Kaioushin sacrifices himself to bring back Goku. Baba brings Vegeta back to Earth. Buu destroys Earth. Porunga restores Earth. Vegeta's life is restored when all the good people that died are wished back to life. Goku destroys Buu with a Super Genki Dama.
Sept. 7, 774 Shenlong erases everyone's memories of Buu
May 7, 778 The 26th Tenkaichi Budoukai happens, ending with Mr. Satan as the winner and Buu in second place.
779 Pan is born to Gohan and Videl
780 Vegeta and Bulma have their second child, Bra
May 7, 781 The 27th Tenkaichi Budoukai takes place. Mr. Satan wins again and Buu again places second.
May 7, 784 The 28th Tenkaichi Budoukai begins. Goku leaves with Ubbu.
Dragonball GT
798 Pilaf wishes Goku into a child. The Black Star Dragonballs are scattered across the universe. Pan, Trunks and Goku set out in search of them. After nine months in space, Goku meets Bebi. Bebi is outnumbered, so he escapes to Earth, where he takes over nearly everyone and gains a great amount of power. He uses the Black Star Dragonballs to create Planet Tsufuru. Goku reaches Super Saiya-jin Level 4. He fights and kills Bebi. The entire Tsufuru race is destroyed. All the evil dragons appear. Vegeta uses Bulma's invention, the Brute Ray, to transform to SSJ 4. Goku leaves with Shenlong and is never seen again, except by Pan at a distant future Tenkaichi Budoukai.

Dragonball Z Attacks List
Here are a list of the attacks used in DBZ. Some have Japanese names either due to an English one not being created yet, or because there is more than one attack with the same English name.

12 Eyes
This is a technique used by Tien where he splits himself into four different entities. Each Tien entity created can fight and be attacked. The only problem with this move is that each of the four entities of Tien only has a quarter of the power and the speed than if there was only the one original Tien. Later in the series Piccolo and Cell learn how to use this move also.

Big Bang Attack
A huge bolt of incredible destructive power, used only by Vegeta. In fact it was one of the first attacks Vegeta developed as a Super Saiyan. He holds one palm flat, directs it out towards his enemy and then launches the devastating blast. It is the way that he finishes many opponents off.

Body Change
The leader of the Ginyu Force, Captain Ginyu, uses this attack. He spreads his limbs out, and then shouts "Change Now!" shooting out a bolt of energy, and when contact is made with his target, he changes bodies with that person. After that he gains the strength and speed of his target, but not his own special techniques. After changing bodies, Ginyu can still do yet another Body Change if he should choose to. It is first introduced to DBZ in the fight between Captain Ginyu and Goku.

Burning Attack
This is Future Trunks' trademark attack. After coming back from the future, during the battle with Frieza, he first introduces this awesome manoeuvre. He holds out both hands forward, index fingers and thumbs touching, and then unleashes a powerful energy blast. This is the attack that finally killed off Frieza for good.

Chou KameHameHa
This is almost an exact replica of the KameHameHa, but with a couple of differences. It is far more powerful, and is capable of causing more extreme amounts of damage. The downside is that it takes far longer to charge up, and cna in fact take a toll on your body. It also uses a lot more energy, meaning you can't maintain it for as long as a regular KameHameHa. This is outdated as the series goes on though, with bigger and better attacks such as the Genki Dama (Spirit Bomb) being learnt.

Crusher Ball
An attack performed by Jeice, a member of the elite fighting squad known as the Ginyu Force, the crusher ball contains an awful lot of power. It is a large ball, about the size of a basketball, which is bright in tone, and orange in colour. Jeice balances this on one hand, then throws it at his opponent. This is his special attack, and we see him use it against Goku, narrowly missing, but causing enough distraction for Ginyu to gain the upper hand.

Death Ball
This is a small ball of energy that Frieza can create from either the tip of his finger or with both hands. While small, it is very powerful, and can even destroy planets. In fact he used this attack to destroy both Planet Namek and Planet Vegeta (Goku’s home planet). He also attempts to destroy Planet Earth with this monstrous technique, but is soon to be prevented by Future Trunks.

Destructo Disk
This in my own personal opinion, is one of the most effective attacks in the whole DBZ series. It is a flat, disc-shaped energy blast, which can be used to slice through its target with deadly accuracy. Krillin was the first person to have ever possessed this incredible technique, and has the skill to control the destination of the attack as well. He would have killed the almighty Nappa, during the battle with the Saiyans on Earth, if it weren’t for Vegeta warning Nappa at the last moment not to touch it. Krillin also uses this attack to slice off Frieza’s tail during the battle on Namek. Many other DBZ characters like Vegeta, Frieza, Cell and Android 18 have their own variations of the “Destructo Disk”.

Eye Laser
This is an attack which can prove very useful to the user. The attacker concentrates his or her energy, then lets loose with two compact beams, one from each eye. The strength of the beams is dependant on that of the user, but it tends to be powerful enough to finish off opponents of approximately the same strength. The first time we see anyone using this is when Piccolo does it whilst training Gohan. It doesn't cause any damage to him, but that's because Piccolo purposely made it weak. Frieza can also use this technique.

Gannet Gun
The Gannet Gun is basically Vegeta's answer to the Kamehameha. He powers up the blast exactly like the Kamehameha, but when he releases the blast, his hands are both palm-forward. It truly looks quite awesome, but not quite enough to beat Goku’s Kamehameha in the Saiyan Saga.

Genki Dama
One of Goku's most powerful techniques, which he learned from King Kai while training in the “Next Dimension”. The Genki Dama (Or Goku's Spirit Bomb in English) is a large ball of energy gathered from every living life source in the local surroundings, which lend him their energy. However, the main weakness that this attack possesses is that it takes a lot of time to gather the energy for a Genki Dama. Whilst he sticks his arms up in the air, preparing to receive all of this energy, Goku is defenseless and open to attack.

Instantaneous Movement
This is one of Goku's most popular techniques, one that essentially allows him to teleport to any place where he can sense KI. He learnt this whilst on Yardrat, after Namek had exploded. He uses this a lot in the series, and in films too, as it proves a useful ally to him.


Taught to him by King Kai whilst training in the “Next Dimension”, this is primarily a power-up move. When Goku uses this technique, he flares up and gains a large boost to his speed and power. Goku can also use this as multiplied power to his Kaioken. At first, he shouldn't have been able to go past 2 x Kaioken without seriously endangering himself, as warned by King Kai, but eventually can increase the power of the Kaioken to around a 20 x Kaioken.

Krillen used This technique during the fight with the Saibamen. He shoots a blast from each hand, controlling the blasts so that they merge and then directs it above the heads of his enemies. Thereupon he splits the blast again into many smaller ki bolts that rain down upon his enemies. A very effective technique which wiped out virtually all of the Saibaimen.

The Kamehameha is a technique created by Master Roshi. It is a huge blast, which is charged up, and held behind the firer in cupped hands, then brought forward to release a large blast of energy. Goku later develops the ability to control the direction of the blast, shoot one from his feet, or with a single hand. He almost defeated Vegeta with this awesome attack, with the help of a little Kaioken. His son Gohan also learns to use this powerful move, as does Yamcha, Krillin, Tien, Goten, Cell, Cell Junior and Majin-Buu.

The user places his hands to form a triangular shape, and then concentrates enough energy to power it up. He/She then rains down on the opponent with blasts of incredible power. It is used by Tien, and is his more powerful attack. The major downside to it though, is that because of its sheer strength, it drains the life force of the user, with the possibility of killing him/her. As long as the user stays alive though, they can fire as many Kikouhou's as they wish.

This is Gohan's trademark energy blast, and is fairly powerful. Gohan powers up a blast over his head with both his hands, one palm behind the other, then brings his hands down in front of him to fire the blast. He uses this move fairly often in Dragon Ball Z.

One-Finger Beam
A fast, sharp cutting beam shop out of one finger, used by Frieza. This beam contains amazing power for its demeaning size, and can slice through almost anything. Cell also uses this attack, due to knowing all Frieza's techniques, and kills Trunks with it. Frieza managed to kill Vegeta and Trunks with his attack, although it wasn't strong enough to so much as hurt SSJ Goku.

Racoome Boom
Essentially a mouth beam, this attack is performed by the showoff member of the Ginyu Force - Racoome. He opens his mouth wide, and emits a blast of incredible power, capable of destroying much of the landscape. It is his most powerful attack, and almost kills Vegeta upon him using it. If he would have got a hit, it would have certainly finished the Saiyan off.

Renzoku Energy Dan
A machine gun KI attack, used by pretty much anyone who knows how to form balls or beams of energy. It is fairly powerful, especially if the defender is caught off guard, as many beams can be fired home, and the ones that hit have more power than the last. It is good as a distraction tactic too, firing a few of them before charging up a really big attack to finish it off. The disadvantage is that this attack can take its toll on the attacker, due to the large energy drain.

Solar Flare
This technique is originally Tien’s. The user puts his hands in front of his face, says "Solar Flare," and lights up very bright, so much that he blinds his opponent. This technique was used a lot throughout Dragon Ball Z. Tien taught this move to both Goku and Krillin, which comes in handy during the fight with the Saiyans.

Special Beam Cannon
This is certainly Piccolo’s most powerful move in the whole series. A pair of penetrating blasts from two fingers, one going straight into contact, whilst the other coils around the first for drilling power. This thunderous attack can go through anything it hits, and eventually blows up when it hits something big enough. Cell and Cell Junior also learn how to use this devastating technique.

Spirit Bomb
An attack used by Yamcha, which isn't even close to having the power that Goku's possesses. It is far quicker to charge up though, and doesn't feed off the energy of the planet. We first see this used when Yamcha was in the room of Spirit and Time, fighting against some Saiyans. He gathered the energy in one hand, held onto his wrist with the other, and let rip with the beam, which didn't cause too much damage.

Time Freeze
One of the best attacks ever used in DBZ, Time Freeze completely stops time for as long as the caster can hold their breath. This is usually about half a minute. Whilst this attack is up, the user may use any energy attacks that he/she wants to, and annihilate their opponent. Guldo is the only one whom we see use this, and he doe sit very effectively, using it to get himself out of trouble. It is one of his special moves.

This is a technique used by all of the powerful warriors. They move so fast that they leave an after image behind, making it look like they are somewhere else. The most famous use of this is probably when Goku did it to avoid Frieza's cutting disc attack. It allows the user to attack from another point, catching the enemy unawares

Number 18
Dragonball Z/GT Deaths
Here are all the deaths that have happened in the series of Dragonball Z, and some from Dragonball. Obviously we can only write as many deaths as we have witnessed, so this section will grow within time. In some cases, people haven't died, but have been sealed away, etc. I count this as something as close to death as you will get, and have added it. I have stated what the situation is with these cases though.

The deaths from Future Trunks' alternate timeline or in yellow. The characters who only died in movies have a star next to them.

Good Guys

Android #16

1. Killed by Cell. Had head thrown onto platform so he could speak to Gohan, and Cell stamped on his head, crushing his skull.


1. Killed by Frieza. He tried to kill the evil one once and for all, but wasn't anywhere near strong enough.

1. Killed by Piccolo Daimao in Dragonball.

2. Self-destructed himself while attached to Nappa, in an attempt to destroy him. He failed, and died for nothing.

3. Died by the hand of the androids in Future Trunks' alternate timeline.


1. Killed by Frieza. He was discovered to be a healer, and Frieza killed him with a one-finger blast to eliminate the problem.

1. Future Gohan was killed by the Androids after fighting with one arm, and eventually being rained down upon with energy beams, killing him outright.

1. Died during the fight against his brother Raditz. He allied with his former enemy Piccolo, and held Raditz in place while the Namek shot a beam right through both his and his brother’s chest

2. Future Goku dies of a heart virus. He picked it up during his trip to Yardrat, and no cure had been invented to date. Note: This is future Goku, from the alternate timeline that Mirai Trunks is from.
3. Killed after he teleports Cell and himself to “Another Dimension” in order to save the world from Cell exploding. He lands on King Kai’s planet, just before Cell can finish his self-destruct attack.


1. Died of a broken heart. Whilst on Namek, after all of his people had been murdered, he was so sad that he passed away.

2. Died of natural caused. He was wished back alive, and passed on whilst on Earth, with it being his time to die.


1. Killed when Piccolo sacrifices his life to save Gohan (The two Nameks are of one soul)

2. Killed when Piccolo dies in future Trunks' alternate timeline.


1. Killed during a tenkaichi budokia competition. One of Piccolo’s henchmen ruthlessly killed him.
2. Killed by Frieza. He was hoisted in the air by some sort of psychic attack, then was exploded in mid-air. This is what triggered Goku’s transformation to super Saiyan.

3. Killed in the alternate timeline by the evil androids.

Master Roshi

1. Killed by Piccolo Daimao in Dragonball

1. Killed by Nappa, whilst sacrificing his life for Gohan. He dived in the way of the Saiyan’s beam.

2. Future Piccolo was killed in Trunks’ alternate timeline by the androids.


1. Sealed into a small music box, to keep out a monster. This, for him, was death, as it sealed his soul away. He was later released though.

1. Killed while fighting Nappa. He used such powerful attacks that he died of exhaustion.

2. Killed by androids in Future Trunks' alternate timeline.


1. Killed by either Dodoria or another one of Frieza's henchmen. Conquering planet Meet for Frieza, and was betrayed by soldiers with orders from the evil one to exterminate Saiyans, with them killing him.

1. Killed by Cell. Cell pointed his finger out, and shot Trunks right in the chest. Vegeta went mad at his sons death.

1. Killed by Frieza after trying to tell Goku some important information, he had a one-finger cutting beam shot right through his chest. It happened twice, with the second one succeeding in killing him.
2. Future Vegeta died in Trunks’ alternate timeline by the hands of #17.


1. Was killed by the androids in Future Trunks’ alternate timeline.

1. Killed by a Saibaman. He defeated him in battle, but the saibamen cowardly jumped back on him when his back was turned, and self destructed, killing them both.
2. Eaten by Majin Buu after being turned into chocolate.

3. Killed in the alternate timeline by the androids.

Bad Guys

Android #17

1. Absorbed by Cell, and then killed during the self-destruct attack because he was stuck inside the monster and couldn't escape.

2. Fused with another Android #17 in GT. Taken out by the Z soldiers though.

3. Killed by Trunks in the alternate timeline. Trunks returned and easily defeated the android.

Android #18

1. Killed by Trunks in the alternate timeline. Trunks parried a blitz of energy balls from her, then blasted her in the face, killing the android outright.

Android #19

1. Killed by Vegeta. Vegeta saved Goku from certain death, then went on to kill this overweight android with a Big Bang attack.

Android #20 (Dr Gero)

1. Killed by his creations - Androids #18 and #17 in the alternate timeline from whence Mirai Trunks came from.

2. Killed by #17. His head is crushed by his own creation.


1. Killed by a triple KameHameHa from Goten, Gohan, and (In either his spirit or physical form, it was never revealed) Goku.

2. Cloned, then killed by Goten and Trunks, with them using an arsenal of attacks, including powerful KameHameHa's, exploiting his weaknesses.


1. Killed by Goku


1. Killed when he and Gohan matched KameHameHa’s. Gohan only managed a one-handed one, because the other was out of its socket. It was too powerful for Cell though, and overwhelmed him.


1. Killed by Vegeta. Underestimated the Saiyans power, and was annihilated.


1. Killed by Vegeta. He was beaten up, then supposedly shown mercy, but Vegeta blasted him as he flew off into the distance.

Dr Willow*

1. Body destroyed by avalanche. Remainder of him killed by a Goku spirit bomb.

Dr Kochen*

1. Killed by Dr Willow. He turned out to be a robot assistant, and plummeted to his death when willow opened up a crack in the floor by stomping on the ground, inadvertently killing Kochen.

1. Killed by Trunks, who had come back from the future, just in time to stop Frieza and his father King Cold from destroying the Earth in revenge on Goku. He cut the evil being into many tiny pieces, then fried him.
2. Killed by Gohan (movie 12). He lunged forward, and buried his fist in Frieza’s gut, then blasted a hole through his stomach.

3. Future Frieza was killed by Goku. This happened in the alternate timeline that Trunks lived in.

Garlic Jr

1. Whilst not strictly killed, he was plunged into the Dead Zone, which was an alternative to death so-to-speak, by Gohan. This was in movie 1

2. Once again, hit into the deadzone by Gohan. This was for good though. This was from the series.

Ginyu Force
1. Jeice-Killed by Vegeta during the Frieza Saga. The fought for a while, then Vegeta finished him off with a Big Bang attack to the face.
2. Burter-Killed by Vegeta during the Frieza Saga. Goku beat him up, then Vegeta finished him off.
3. Guldo-Killed by Vegeta, just as he was about to destroy both Gohan and Krillen. Vegeta dashed in and released a powerful punch to his chest, followed by a beam that killed the Ginyu Force member.
4. Racoome-Killed by Vegeta during the Frieza Saga. Goku defeated him, then Vegeta finished him off.
5. Captain Ginyu-Technically killed by Goku when Captain Ginyu tried to change bodies with Vegeta, Goku threw a frog in the way at the last second. Captain Ginyu would then live the rest of his life as a frog from then on.


1. Forced to transform by SSJ3 Goku. Killed in its most powerful state by Gogeta, with an energy beam right through it's stomach.

King Cold

1. Killed by Trunks. Came to Earth to cause suffering, but Trunks stopped him, blasted him in the stomach, then in the face, killing him in a painful manner.

2. Killed by Goku. This happened when he came to Earth in Future Trunks' alternate timeline.

King Vegeta

1. Killed by Frieza. He went in to try to kill the evil tyrant, but was easily defeated.


1. He was pretty much killed by Goku when hit with a KameHameHa into the Sun. Everything died apart from his brain and a fragment of his skin. Whilst not strictly dead, as close as you could become.

2. Returned as cyborg Kula, only to be killed once again by Goku, who used a powerful energy ball (May have been a spirit bomb, I couldn't tell in my fansub).

Lord Slug*

1. Killed by Goku. He was distracted by Gohan's whistling, then finished off by the powerful Saiyan Goku.

1. Killed by his own ally Vegeta after he lost the battle to Goku. Vegeta thought that he was a weakling, so he decided to dispose of him by throwing him into the air, and blasting him with a beam of awesome power.
2. Killed by Vegeta again in DBGT

Nappa's Saibamen

1. One self destructed to kill Yamcha. After being defeated in battle, it cowardly attached itself to Yamcha, and blew them both up.

2. Three Were killed by Krillen. He released an awesome blast that separated into many different energy balls, and rained down on them, with one getting away.

3. The one that escaped Krillen's blast was killed by Piccolo. It went to attack Gohan, but the Namek stepped in, grabbed its arm, threw it in the air, then it with a breath blast.

Piccolo Daimao

1. Killed by Goku. When fighting the Saiyan, he was attempting to kill him, but was defeated from Goku punching right through his chest.

Piccolo Daimao's Henchmen

1. All killed by Goku except one, who was killed by a hungry Yajirobe

1. Killed by Piccolo while Goku held him The beam ripped right through his, and his brothers chest.

Red Ribbon Soldiers

1. Countless numbers of them were killed by Goku in Dragonball

Spice Boys

1. Mustard - Killed by Gohan. Beat up Gohan's friend, Krillen, and was punished by getting killed with a Masenko.

2. Salt - Killed by Gohan. Angered Gohan so much that he lashed out, and blasted him with a Masenko.

3. Spice - Killed by Gohan. Got the kid mad by beating up Krillen, and paid the price by getting Masenkoed.

4. Vinegar - Killed by Gohan. Got the kid mad and was blasted with a Masenko.


1. Killed by Tien after coming back as a cyborg to try and avenge his previous defeat against Goku


1. Killed by Vegeta. He transformed, but was still unable to defeat the mighty Saiyan, getting blasted into a lake.

Dragonball Z Ki
This section will tell you everything that you would ever need to know about ki. Unlike most sites where they provide a two-line equation that they have made up on how ki is sensed, we bring you detailed facts. Anyway, enjoy reading through them.

Ki Attacks
A ki attack is an energy beam, or ball, which is made by the attacker. The different attacks require different techniques to do. Most of them require great concentration, and arm movements which are very complicated. Different warriors tend to have their own signature attacks, such as the KameHameHa, Kai-o-kan, Spirit Bomb, Masenko, etc. The attacks can be used in battle, or be used to boost yourself up as you fall to the ground, should that scenario ever arise. ki can be used to dry off clothes, light fires, emit heat, and other things along those lines. To use a ki attack, you first must gather energy, and the more powerful you are, the faster you can do it.

Sensing Ki
Some people can sense ki without the use of any high-tech equipment. They close their eyes, look in the general direction of the power that they hope to sense, and try their best to feel it out. To sense the power, they must be searching for the approximate range that the power would go in, because if they search too high for example, they wouldn't be able to sense people with low power levels, such as people near to death. This is the primary requisite of many warriors, as they can sense how strong their opponents are. The problem with this is that you can't get the exact power, but can usually tell whether it is stronger, or weaker than your own though. The advantage is that it doesn't cost anything, unlike the expensive scouters. Using this method, they can dodge enemy attacks by sensing for their ki. Most humans, and Earthlings can use this skill, as can Vegeta, as he learned it from them. Most of the evil people are unable to use this ability though, because no one has taught it them, or they haven't picked up on it.

This is another of reading ki levels. The scouter can measure the exact power level of anyone. All you have to do is focus it onto someone, and press a few buttons. It gives you a read out of the power level, and any special skills that this species of creature may have. The scouters fit like an earpiece, and go over the eye. Most have a type of green glass display screen. If it reads a power level that is either increasing faster than it can handle, or is too large for it to handle, then it makes a small explosion, causing the wearer to have to take it off, suffering no harm. Scouters are expensive though, and there is a fairly limited supply, meaning that once they get destroyed, it can be hard to get hold of another one immediately. Another function of the scouter is as a communication device. People can talk into them, transmitting their voice to others, even if they are on the other side of the galaxy. Scouters are probably better than using your senses.

Hiding ki
A select group of people are able to hide their ki, so it seems that they are a lot less powerful than they really are. This is a skill that Earthlings really excel in, and can be useful for throwing enemies off, and making them underestimate you. Vegeta has managed to master this, along with the Earthlings, as he has been a witness of them doing this, and managed to pick up on it. This technique has been utilized many times, and has fooled even the most intelligent enemies.