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dragonball character
Name: Future Trunks (Mirai no Trunks, etc.)
Birth date: 766 AD
Father: Vegeta
Mother: Bulma
Sister: Bra
Weight: ???
Height: 5'5
Eyes: Blue
Future Trunks is the disciplined and noble warrior from the future who aids the warriors in the battle against the androids. He's a bit shy, but is never one to shy away from a fight if he can make a difference in any way.
Life Story
After Goku died of a powerful heart virus, the world was left without a great hero to aid in the approaching android menace. The few, who were left, such as Vegeta, Piccolo, Krillin, etc., were all killed in the battle. Only Gohan was able to escape. All of this happened while Trunks was still a baby, so he never had a chance to meet his father, or had the chance to see the Earth as a peaceful place. Having assessed the situation of the artificial human plague, and hearing the amazing stories of Goku, he made it his mission to become a Super Saiya-jin, and help defeat the androids.
With the help of his mentor, and now SSJ, Gohan, he trained to attain the level of power needed for the Super Saiya-jin level. He was not able to attain it despite his valiant efforts. He fought with Gohan against the androids, but the two were badly beaten. When the androids were seen attacking a nearby city a short time later, Gohan left Trunks behind since, if the earlier battle was any indication, he wasn't ready for battle.
Trunks, having been knocked unconscious by Gohan, in order to make sure he stayed put, awoke to find his master nowhere to be found. He quickly headed to the site where he had been prepared to fight alongside his partner. He entered the destroyed, rainy city, and found Gohan, dead among the rubble. His anger, sorrow, and disgust fueled his rage, and in a mighty blast, he turned Super Saiya-jin for the first time.
Four years later, he used a Capsule Corp. time machine to return to the past. He couldn't change anything in his timeline, but his mother requested that he do it. Besides, he wanted to meet his dad, and his hero, Goku anyway. His mission there was to kill King Kold and Freezer, and give Goku heart medicine to insure that this timeline wouldn't become as horrible as his own. He succeeded, and after warning Goku about the androids, went back to his timeline.
Three years later, the now 20 year old Trunks returned to help the others fight the androids. It was revealed that the androids the others had been fighting were not the ones of Trunks' reality. Not only that, but even more powerful creature, Cell was revealed, edging the others to gain more power. Goku, having recovered from his virus, showed Trunks and Vegeta the Room of Spirit and time, where time was bent, allowing for a years training in one day. Trunks and Vegeta trained, and seemingly reached a new SSJ level. Trunks eventually ended up fighting Cell. Even with his new level of power, Cell, in his perfect form after assimilating Androids 17 and 18 was too great a threat. The limitations in speed were too much, and he had to pull away.
During the Tenkaichi Boudakai Cell set up to decide the fate of Earth, Trunks played only a small role. He was subjected to fights with Cell Juniors, tiny versions of Cell that shared his massive strength.
When Cell was seemingly defeated, A blast came from the sky, and pierced through Trunks' heart, killing him instantly. Not to fear though, as Gohan, having reached Super Saiya-jin level 2, did kill Cell, allowing the others to revive him with the dragonballs.
With this, Trunks prepares to return to his timeline, having helped save the world. He'd even gained the respect of his father, which was perhaps his biggest victory.
Name: Piccolo
Birth Date: ???
Height: 6'6''
Weight: around 200 pounds
Eye Color: Black
Species: Namek
Spawn of: Piccolo Daimaou
When Kami looked to become Earth's next God/Guardian, he must rid himself of all evil. Through a personal battle, Kami splits himself into two beings; one good and the other evil. The evil half becomes Piccolo-Daimoa, a creature who thrives on destruction. Although, sharing Kami's life force, he is unable to kill his own twin without wiping out himself. When Piccolo-Daimoa is defeated by Goku, he coughs up a single egg, passing on his life force and bonds to it. This new life force becomes Piccolo.
Piccolo was spawned from the original Piccolo Daimaou, who was the evil half of Kami Sama, guardian of Earth. Piccolo was evil too, at least he started out that way. He was born with his father's memories. After he saw the hatred between Goku and his father, he took it upon himself to take revenge on Goku. He tried everything, but there didn't seem a way to defeat Goku. Before Raditz appeared on Earth, Piccolo was still Goku's arch enemy. After Raditz's arrival to Earth and his havoc wreckage on Earth, Piccolo and Goku teamed up in order to overcome Raditz's tremendous power. They were able to kill Raditz, but with the expense of Goku's life. Goku's sacrifice made Piccolo realize how much of a great person he really was. After he heard Raditz tell him of the future arrival of two even stronger Saiya-jins, he decided to take Gohan to train him because Gohan showed tremendous power when he head butted Raditz. Piccolo trains Gohan and grows to love him, letting the good deep down inside him shine through. Gohan's child-like innocence changes Piccolo for the better. They developed a very close relationship and Piccolo becomes almost a father-figure to Gohan. Piccolo even sacrificed his own life to save Gohan from Nappa's blast. During the Freeza saga, Piccolo fuses with Nail, doubling his own power. During the Cell Game, he re-emerged with Kami. At that time he was the strongest Z fighter. During Dragonball GT, Piccolo stays and dies on Earth due to the love of his home.
Son Goten
Date of Birth: 767 AD
Species: Half Human, half Saiyan
Power: High
Little Goten is somewhat of a brat, but a decent warrior. It seems to be no problem for him to go Super Saiyan, probably because Goku had already made the transformation before he was born. Goten's best friend is Trunks, and they constantly get into trouble. His parents are Goku and Chichi, and his older brother is Gohan

Here is some more people


Bulma was introduced in the Dragon Ball series. She found a Dragon Ball in her house so she started to investigate about the Dragon Balls, then She invented the Dragon Balls Radar and started to search them, that was how it all started. In her search the Dragon Balls she met Goku and persuades him to come along with her.

Bulma is the daughter of Mr. Brief, she is a genius of the electronic. During all the Dragon Ball series she invented some important things like the Dragon Radar and changed her hair style MANY times. During Dragon Ball Z series she has a son named Trunks and a daughter named Bra with Vegeta.


Chiaotzu is a small boy who has white skin, red cheeks, and floats instead of walking most of the time. at first I thought Chiaotzu was a doll because that's what he looks like, and he doesn't speak much (he is telepathic). Chiaotzu is the best friend of Tien and is part of the Z-Team, he, like the others will and has sacrificed his life for the earth.


Chichi is Ox King's Daughter, during the first episodes of the series she convinces Goku to say that he will get married with her when they grow up, Goku accepts to get married with her without knowing what that means. She and Goku get married at the end of Dragon Ball. And four years after( in DBZ ) we find her with a son named Gohan( she wanted to call him Einstein -_-; ) she mainly spends her time worrying about Gohan's studies. Later on in the series she and goku have another son named Goten whom she doesnt pressure so much into studying as she did with Gohan.


Dende is Kami-sama's successor as the protector of Earth. Like Piccolo and Kami-sama, he is also a Namek. Gohan and Krillin first meet Dende on their trip to Planet Namek to gather the Namek Dragon Balls. He has the power to heal injuries by laying his hands on the injured, which is why Frieza killed him (but was later wished back). Later when he becomes the protector of earth he creates new and more Dragon Balls containing 3 wishes instead of 1. Dende lives in Kami-sama's look out with Mr.Popo.


Gohan is the first son of Goku, he was called Gohan in honor to Goku's Grandfather who was called Gohan as well.

Gohan has a great power with in him, he even hit his uncle Radditz when he was just 4 years old, because Radditz was beating on his father goku. He was trained by piccolo before the battle against the Saiyans.

After Frieza was defeated he trained with Goku and Piccolo for the arrival of the Androids. When the Androids arrived he couldn't even fight with them. After that, when Cell showed up Goku and him trained in the Room of time, there Gohan reached the level of Super Saiyan fighting against his father. When they left the room the Cell games took place, during the fight against Cell Gohan became a Super Saiyan Level 2, making him the first Saiyan to reach this level.

After the battle with Cell he concentrated more in his studies to please his mother.


Goku is the Main Character of all Dragonball series, he's one of the few Saiyans who survived the Planet Vegeta explosion, he was sent to earth when he was just a baby, and was found in the mountains by the old Gohan. Dragonball starts when Goku is 11 years old, as the series progresses he becomes stronger and at the end of the series he's the most powerful man on Earth.

When Dragonball Z starts we find Goku married to Chichi and with a son named Gohan, soon they find that Goku was originally sent to earth to destroy it and prepare it to be sold, but a hit in his head made him forget his mission. His original name was Kakarot son of Bardock and his brother Radditz came to earth to search the earth so they could destroy the planet together.

But Goku didn't want to do that so Radditz kidnapped Gohan his son, Goku and Piccolo went in search of Gohan and when they found Radditz they fought against him, Goku died during the fight and went to train with King Kaiou in the other world, there he learned some techniques like the Genki Dama and the Kaioken, when he came back from death he easily defeated Nappa, but he couldn't even defeat Vegeta with the Genki Dama, but the Genki Dama left Vegeta very weak so Gohan and Krillin could defeat him.

Goku became a Super Saiyan during a fight with Frieza in Planet Namek, then he reached higher levels like Super Saiyan level 2 fighting against Majin Vegeta and Super Saiyan level 3 in a fight against Majin Boo.

When Dragonball GT starts Goku was turned back into a kid but at the end of that series he reaches the level of Super Saiyan level 4.


Hercule is the martial arts champion of the world!!! (anyone from the Z-Team could kick his butt) and runs a school of martial arts. After taking credit for defeating Cell (gohan really killed cell), he becomes the Earth's #1 hero. He has one daughter named Videl(Gohan's wife) who is stronger than him, and a granddaughter Pan. Hercule is really annoying and thinks very highly of himself after winning five Tenkaichi Budokai tournaments, but all in all he is a nice guy who's only intentions are saving the earth from evil.

King Cold

King Cold is the father of Frieza and Koola. After running into Frieza's body after the battle he had had with Goku, King Cold restores his son's power and makes him even more powerful. Wanting to meet the man who beat his son so badly he travels with Frieza to earth. When they get there they are met by Trunks and are killed by him.

King Vegeta

King Vegeta is the father of Vegeta. King Vegeta is the ruler of Planet Vegeta where all the Saiyans live. King Vegeta gets killed by Frieza, as does his royal elite, and then Frieza destroys the Planet Vegeta including the whole Saiyan race (except Radditz, Nappa, Vegeta, and Goku).


Krillin is the most powerful human on Earth, he was one of the stronger characters in DragonBall and is pretty strong at the beginning of Dragon Ball Z. He was once Goku's rival when they were young, but now he is Goku's best friend and a really good friend of his son Gohan. Krillin is a Monk which is why he has a bald head, but when he gets married to Android 18 she convinces him to grow out his hair. Android 18 and Krillin later have daughter named Marron, he named her after his first girlfriend. All in all Krillin is a very nice guy who would sacrifice his life for the earth any time.


Marron is the daughter of Krillin and Android 18. She is born late in DBZ (in the Majin Buu Saga)and is in Dragon Ball GT. Marron is named after Krillin's first girlfriend who has the same name (Marron).


Nappa is Vegetas' partner and a Saiyan. He is very powerful and could have taken down all of the Z fighters (the first time he showed up in the series) except Goku. When he fights Goku he gets beat so bad that he can't even move. Seeing as how Nappa is now useless, Vegeta kills him.

Ox King

The Ox King is Chichi's father. He is a really nice guy, who cares a lot about his daughter Chichi and his grandson Gohan. The Ox King used to train with Master Roshi, but he doesn't like to fight. He is mostly shown with Chichi watching Goku and Gohan fighting on tv. He was the one who took care of Chichi and Gohan when Goku was killed.


Radditz is Goku's older brother. He is the one who told Goku that he was a Saiyan and that he was sent to Earth to destroy it. When he sees that Goku has forgotten his mission and does not want to be evil, he kidnaps Gohan and orders Goku to kill 100 humans. Radditz was killed with Goku when Piccolo fired his Makankosappo.


Tien is the second strongest human warrior on Earth, He has three eyes (two normal eyes and one eye on his forehead). In Dragon Ball he is one of Goku's rival but later becomes his friend and joins the Z-Team. He is the best friend of Chiaotzu and is also his bodyguard, Tien is bald and is muscular. Tien may not be one of the strongest fighter on the team but he tries very hard and would do anything for the earth even give up his own life, which he has done before.


Vegeta comes to Earth with Nappa, another Saiyan, to conquer Earth.Vegeta gets so fed up with Nappa that he kills him. Vegeta looses the battle on Earth to Goku, but escapes death because Goku lets him leave. Vegeta goes to Planet Namek in search of the Dragon Balls to wish for immortality. He sees that he can not defeat Frieza alone so he teams up with Krillin,Gohan,Piccolo and Goku. He never gets the wish because the elder namek dies before he makes the wish. He later returns to earth to find out how Goku became a Super Saiyan and ends up staying to fight the androids. During his training on earth he falls in love with Bulma and has a son named Trunks and a daughter named Bra, he may not show his love very often but deep inside he would do anything for them. Vegeta always tries to become stronger than Goku so he can one day become the greatest Saiyan and kill Goku.


Videl- Videl is the daughter of Hercule the martial arts champion of the world (or so they say he is -_-). Videl is stronger than hercule and like to fight like him, after Videl becomes Gohan's girlfriend he teaches her how to fly and fight better. She later marries Gohan (which is what ChiChi wanted) and the have a daughter named Pan.


Originally Yamcha was a desert bandit who robed people as they walked through his land. After meeting Goku and the others he decided to join them in their quest for the Dragonballs to make a wish of his own. At first Yamcha is very nervous around girls but later gets used to Bulma and starts dating her. For a while Yamcha was Bulma's boyfriend but later broke up during DBZ. He stopped his training after the battle with the androids, but he's still a big help to the Z-Team and the Earth's third strongest human.

  BABY- He is the Prince of the Tuffles, he saved him slef before the Saiyans killed his people,now he is on a ending quest to find the last Sainyans.

DOCTOR MYU- Doctor Myu is created by Baby to help him out. Later in hell he joins Dr. Gero to make some one like Goku but with pure evil.